and vegetarian diet.
(Hiiiii, Ashley)
There is an overwhelming amount of contradicting information about what to eat and what diet to follow out there. I've read claims that both paleo and vegan diets are how our ancestors ate/what our bodies are used to. Apparently both diets prevent and cause cancer. Of course it depends which diet is friend and which is foe depending on what book you're reading ...or who it's written by or what site you're on or what friend you're listening to or... well, I think you get my point. And if you don't; I'm saying it's all subjective. There are studies to prove this diet is better than that one for both meat eaters and non-meat or animal byproduct eaters alike.
One of my favorite pieces of "food advise" comes from the book Skinny Bitch. (This book promotes a vegan lifestyle - which I don't live by 100% of the time but can still talk on some really good points the authors mention.) In Skinny Bitch they advise DO NOT TRUST ANYONE. My interpretation of this four-word gem is that no one really knows how/what you should eat because no one really knows your body ... except for, well, YOU.
I have friends that are on the paleo diet and I have friends who are vegan and vegetarian. Each of them have their own reason for eating the way they do and more power to them. I personally don't understand how a predominantly soy-based diet (soy based meat, soy cheese, soy milk, soy tofu.. jk I know it's just tofu) is better for you than just eating a piece of chicken or having a splash of animals milk* in your coffee. But that's just me and remember you shouldn't trust anyone but yourself!
I've found combining all three paleo, vegan and vegetarian diets into one magically, balanced diet works best for ne. Sometimes I have strictly vegan meals - or days - and other times I eat meat at every meal... Admittedly this isn't often but there are times when one piece of bacon just doesn't cut it...
Today is a perfect example of my paleo/vegan/vegetarian balanced diet:
My breakfast consisted of 2 eggs and 1 egg white, a small apple,
and a giant americano with organic half & half.
My vegan buddies are crying at the thought of so many animal byproducts in one day;
let alone one meal.
For a hearty snack I had a quinoa and sweet potato patty with an avocado chopped on top.
Sorry, paleo friends but grains are this girls friends. ;)
For lunch I had a salad with
kidney beans
and sunflower seeds
The vegans are crying happy tears now!
It's about to be dinner and my VBF (Vegan Best Friend)
is coming over to celebrate National Wine Drinking Day.
She's making vegan polenta "lasagna" but I will probably add organic chicken.
And, of course, there will be wine!
Today it just worked out that I didn't have any gluten but that doesn't mean I don't eat wheat. However, in line with my consumption of meat and dairy, I don't go overboard with it; I try not to exceed 1 serving of wheat/1-2 animal byproducts in a day. But some days I do and that's life. Eating is all about balance; EXCEPT when it comes to veggies....
Another favorite piece of food advise that speaks to me is to EAT PLANTS NOT THINGS THAT ARE MADE IN PLANTS. THIS, I think, is the fundamental "diet" which everyone should live (and eat) by. Meat eater or non-meat eater, cheese lover or soy-cheese connoisseur, you need to eat your plants! ...Trust me.
Love almost always,
I also had 2 mini Hershey chocolate bars after lunch
because (as much as I hate it and wish it wasn't true)
the manufactured food has a (small) place in my diet too.
*well, dairy is actually an entirely different conversation but we'll save that for another post..
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