It happened to me again today.
But with someone new.
This person is not the first person this kind of thing has happened with...
And this probably won't be the last time it happens...
I'm Ashley and I have a
cyber crush on you wanna
like blog about each other
or something? |
Today I developed a crush.
...A cyber crush.
I've had a few since I've started blogging. They have all been on
girls and have always started
One day you're googling "how to make quinoa" and then - over a year later and many quinoa skills mastered - you're still checking in to see what your cyber crush is up to.
There's a familiarity and almost a sense of reminiscence when you visit an old crush's page. Like you've been there and then you've been away and now it's really nice to be back; checking in to see how things have been, what's changed and what's still the same, whose grown and whose changed their hair color...
But nothing beats a new cyber crush... The plethora of new things to pour over... Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, oh my! The different videos posted and blogs written. An all access pass to this person's interpretation of life. ...It has taken hours of my life.
Though I've found that you can't go searching for a new cyber crush. It just doesn't work like that. You can't force interest into someone else's life. It has to happen organically - originally - like the Internet Gods destined one click to lead to another and then suddenly *BAM* you've found your next cyber crush. Almost like a soul mate but more sided.
Clicking around a bit you find you really like this girls hair color and her bedspread is super cute. You dig her fancy drop-down menu and icons directing you to other showcases of her life. All the links with all the fascinating information about ..a stranger.
It's time consuming and weird if you think about it long enough. But it's probably also
normal. With so much personal information readily available on the internet, I don't think it's dramatic to feel like I know some of my cyber crushes without ever meeting them. I don't think it's crazy to feel like I can be friends with someone because they post a lot of shit I "like." If I'm entertained by your life from
freakin' post-it sized pictures I scroll through on my phone... you must be a bad ass.
Occasionally I am envious of my cyber crushes.
They have how many followers?
I'm that funny too! ...after a glass of wine shot of tequila.
That is literally the best sentence I have ever read
in the history of all of the sentences in the world.
Wait, is her blog better than mine?
Yep! My iPhone 3 will never take the pictures her camera can.
Maybe I should put Adobe Photoshop on my Christmas list this year..?
But most of the time I'm just like girl, go on with your bad self. Which is really what cyber crushing should be all about anyway...
LOVE almost always,
I thought it would be interesting for you to know who my cyber crushes are sooo, drum roll please...
The Diva Dish
Ari was my first cyber crush and I still love checking out what's new with her and what healthy cooking she is doing for her family.
She even replied to a comment I left and it was pretty much the highlight of my day |
Laci Green
I stumbled across Laci's YouTube channel and pretty much agree with everything that comes out of her mouth. :)
Hannah Brencher
This girl is founded
The World Needs More Love Letters and I seriously hope to meet her one day.
Kaleigh Somers
I've exchanged a few emailed with Kaleigh and actually wrote for her website but just recently discovered how interesting her life via Instagram is ;)
Natalie C.
I've actually met Natalie but fact: feel like I know her more than I actually do because of the amount of time I spend on her blog. #obsessed
Ms. Morgan Wright
This is more of a real life girl crush since she is one of my actual best friends but because I am so excited for her new blog.. I figured I would add her to the list!
Melissa K.
This is also a real life crush but I am blown away every time I read her blog. Highly recommended!