Monday, November 11, 2013

Sunday vs. Monday Round1


I was wrapping up a mini-weekend vacation on Sunday so, though my Sunday eating habits are always a little sporadic, yesterday there were some added splurges.

Breakfast - around 9:30am: 
Glass of OJ and half cup of coffee w/Irish cream
French toast with syrup, berries and side of bacon

We stopped for a coffee break on our way home

Lunch - around 1:30pm:
A massive amount of tortilla chips and salsa
Mixed green salad w/raspberry vingerette and (fried) fish tacos (2)

Dinner - around 7pm:
BBQ pulled pork over sweet potato mash and ½ avocado

Snacks - throughout the day:
Mini chocolate biscotti (4 throughout the day)


Going back to work was already going to be harder than usually this week because of the amazing weekend I had and of course my alarm didn't go off making the start of my day stressful. I woke up at 7:48am - 3 minutes after the time I’m supposed to leave. My morning was extremely rushed but luckily I had packed lunch the night before and thought to grab a packet of oatmeal to make at the office - so I still was able to have a healthy, balanced day.

Breakfast - 8:00am: (in the car, on my way to work)

9:30am (after I had checked emails, returned phone calls, etc..)
Coffee with a packet of sugar in the raw and organic ½ and ½
Organic oatmeal w/flax seeds

Lunch - around 1:30pm:
Homemade chicken/veggie soup (I made this last night while I was steaming my sweet potatoes.. I simply chopped celery, carrots, and onions and let simmer in veggie broth while boiling chicken breast to shred and add to the broth. Everything is organic and will also be used for lunch tomorrow.)

Late afternoon snack:
Iced coffee w/a splash of 2% and a mini chocolate bar

Pepper overload!

Dinner - around 6:30pm:
Four thin slices of sourdough bread (toasted) with mashed avocado, S&P, and organic sprouts

Almond and pumpkin seed clusters

To recap: Looking back, Sunday might not have been that terrible, but I clearly ate more vegetables on Monday which is always a plus! For me, it is important to plan my meals ahead. This sometimes causes a bit of anxiety, knowing I have 1,000 things to do and still have to think about what I'm going to eat the next day... but I always make better choices when I do so the benefit outweighs.


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