Thursday, April 24, 2014

first video

Since I've been completely neglecting this baby blog boo boo lately... 
I decided to get jazzy and post a little video. Enjoy :) 

Monday, March 17, 2014

spring rolls: 1, Ashley:0

I do grocery shopping on Sundays and each week I find it challenging to come up with new things for dinner. But yesterday while I was at the farmer's market, I remembered a recipe for chicken springs rolls I came across on one of my favorite blogs, The Diva Dish.

Side note: I'm not the biggest fan of cilantro but know it's really good for you, so I've been trying to eat it more often. Another reason this recipe was a good one to try! 

Mike and I made them for dinner yesterday with a few variations. Like using peanut butter instead of almond because it's what we had... These springs rolls are certainly delicious and definitely recommend buuuttt my execution needs work. 

Please see my rolls compared to Ari's (the diva of The Diva Dish) below: 



I'll have to try again and practice my rolling technique for these babes. 

Tips and tricks are welcome ;)

Love almost always, 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Sometimes I wonder why I have a blog. I don't know if many people read it and even if they do, I'm not sure my content is relatable or if it's like there she goes talking about balance and shit again... Occasionally I think about nixing this baby because, really I already have two Facebook accounts, a Twitter, Tumblr, an About Me, and an Instagram - do I really need another place to spew my thoughts and pictures on the web?

Maybe not... but then I remember stories like the one I am about to write about and understand the reason for my blog. It's not just a place for me to tell my four friends who read this sucker about DELICIOUS Greek tacos I made last weekend (which I will be posting about soon by the way!) - it's a place to write the stories that are supposed to be written and not just spoken; the stories that offer too many opportunities for descriptions so good you feel like you were there yourself; the stories that are supposed to be shared with not just your friends but their friends too; the stories that offer a deeper than surface level glance at life and interactions; the stories like this one...

From ages 18 to 23 I lived on a tiny little dead end street with my mom and her finance. Our house is all the way at the end, nestled and safe behind a long driveway. Our house is quaint and warm and wonderful. My mom's finance, Andy,  took his first steps in our house. His old room became mine. He knows all the neighbors on the street, growing up with their kids and now, visiting their parents in their retirement. My favorite couple comes with a side of four sisters. We call them the five Cuban sisters and they are rambunctious, sassy, and beautiful. They demonstrate the definition of sisterhood - womanhood - in the flesh.

Also, they make the most delicious food you will ever have in your life.

Andy, my mom, and I are invited over to their house for dinner often. I don't live in the little house way at the end of the dead end street anymore so I don't go every time, but when I do - it's love.

I can only imagine the sisters spending the day together in the kitchen, cooking, drinking wine (at least this is what I would do...) and reminiscing on their days in Cuba. I can hear their stories and see their laughter -- bent over, hugging bellies, tears streaming down cheeks.

When we arrive the house smells more amazing than you can imagine. You are greeted with a hug and one kiss, two, from each sister and Esperanza's - the baby sister whose home we all gather in - husbands strong handshake. They lead you through the house to a back room with chairs, a tiki bar, and a giant table to soon feast at. You feel like you are on an island.

While is food is finishing simmering, I ask every time if I can see Esperanza's garden. I walk outside and know I have been transported to a special kind of place. The flowers and plants intermingle with each other, flirting under the moonlight. I walk the paths and breathe in the grass. I take my shoes off so my toes can feel the earth. I promise to do yoga here.

The food is ready soon and we are ushered to line up and serve ourselves an abundant amount of rice, chicken, peppers, and corn.

"Would you like a Coke?" someone asks and I say yes, even though I don't normally drink soda.

We sit and eat and talk and laugh and eat. ..And eat.

"More, more." One of the sisters will instruct after you're so full you feel you may burst.

And then, when you've convinced them you've had more than enough, there is dessert. Esperanza gets up to grab it out of the kitchen. Her sisters follow her to help and minutes later they are making their way back with a giant bowl of rice pudding. My mom's favorite. They form a line and one starts singing Happy Birthday.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Dear ..." they burst out laughing. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!"

"Who's birthday is it?" I ask, glancing around trying to pin-point the receiver of the song.

Simultaneously giggling and serving up rice pudding, Esperanza tells me "no ones and everyone's." She shrugs and passes out forks.

No ones and everyone's. 

What does that mean? I make a mental note to decode the meaning later and sit back to sip my icy cold Coke that tastes good only here.

I still don't know what her response means and I can almost guarantee I'm not supposed to. The moment wan't about singing to someone for some occasion - the moment was about singing with someone for no occasion.

I don't know if the sisters would remember this story if I told them today. They might snicker in Spanish and then, remembering I don't speak their native tongue, translate to English - probably saying something just as profound as the original sentence that made me ponder deeper things; that made me write this post; and that reminded me why I keep on blogging.

...Or they could be like, "yeah. duh - we knew the whole time that singing happy birthday to no one and everyone would shed light on a life lesson. You want a Coke?"


*I'll explain why I titled my blog Almost Always in a post coming soon! a computer near you ;)


Thursday, February 27, 2014

What's a girl gotta do to go viral around here?

I've been blogging for some time and almost every time I hit the orange "publish" button after writing, reading and editing a post, I'm hoping that this will be viral. (...It's okay if mental fireworks explode in your head at the mention of that word. It happens to me too...)

When I first started blogging in 2012, I wanted to be this super bad ass blogger that everyone poured over. My reasons have slightly changed now having published my first book. Now I want to be a super bad ass blogger and author that everyone pours over. (But mostly an author because hello, royalties it's my true passion.) So, as much as I love my blogs - after all they my main vessels to spew my thoughts and opinions onto the internet and into my friends pockets nationwide - I really just want a following of peeps who will read my stories.

(Is this so wrong?!)

Don't let me fool you, I love writing about sweet potatoes and shit but really, I just want to be on Jimmy Kimmel already! (Or Fallon...)

Off the top of my head I can think of 2 posts that skyrocketed 2 blog's popularity. One was titled the time I almost killed my son (you can read it here but be sure to come back after, ok?) and the other  The 2014 VS Catalog: A Mom's Buying Guide  After reading both of these, I immediately scrolled down to find out more about the author. Then I liked their Facebook pages. I wanted to learn more - I had to know more - about them. And apparently so did a lot of other people.

I only know these posts greatly influenced the impact these bloggers have in cyber space because they both wrote about it after. And, again, in the spirit of not fooling you, I am deeply, desperately, jealous of all their blog-love. I want someone other than myself to share my posts with their FBFs (Facebook Friends). I want the Huffington post to feature an interview on me. I WANT TO BE ON JIMMY FALLON! (Or Kimmel...)

..........but why? Can I sum it up to my instant-gratification generation? Meh, I think it goes deeper than that. What about our celeb crazed culture? Maybe, but there's always been the rich and the famous... How about the social media mania that consumes me. Probably closer to the mark... Social media makes me feel special. Plain and simple. When people "like" my rants about my hair color or dig my duck-lip selfies, I'm stoked. People are noticing me. However, truer and stronger than generation-blaming or our obsessive nature with celebrities/social media is the fact that we all want to be influential. We want people to listen - and to give a damn - about what we think, feel, act and say. I want to be on late-night TV to tell the behind the scenes of writing my book because just having people read it just isn't enough anymore..

I want to be noticed. I want to feel the comfort and confidence that comes from my words reaching others. Ideally, my words will someday grace bookshelves across the world but for now, a blog gone viral will suffice.

Love almost always,

Ps. An alternate title for this post; Any of the Jimmy's Will Do - preferences?

Another gem I shared
with the Facebook

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Oh my!

I'm Ashley and I'm on a Paleo, 
and vegetarian diet. 

(Hiiiii, Ashley) 

There is an overwhelming amount of contradicting information about what to eat and what diet to follow out there. I've read claims that both paleo and vegan diets are how our ancestors ate/what our bodies are used to. Apparently both diets prevent and cause cancer. Of course it depends which diet is friend and which is foe depending on what book you're reading ...or who it's written by or what site you're on or what friend you're listening to or... well, I think you get my point. And if you don't; I'm saying it's all subjective. There are studies to prove this diet is better than that one for both meat eaters and non-meat or animal byproduct eaters alike. 

One of my favorite pieces of "food advise" comes from the book Skinny Bitch. (This book promotes a vegan lifestyle - which I don't live by 100% of the time but can still talk on some really good points the authors mention.) In Skinny Bitch they advise DO NOT TRUST ANYONE.  My interpretation of this four-word gem is that no one really knows how/what you should eat because no one really knows your body ... except for, well, YOU

I have friends that are on the paleo diet and I have friends who are vegan and vegetarian. Each of them have their own reason for eating the way they do and more power to them. I personally don't understand how a predominantly soy-based diet (soy based meat, soy cheese, soy milk, soy tofu.. jk I know it's just tofu) is better for you than just eating a piece of chicken or having a splash of animals milk* in your coffee. But that's just me and remember you shouldn't trust anyone but yourself! 

I've found combining all three paleo, vegan and vegetarian diets into one magically, balanced diet works best for ne. Sometimes I have strictly vegan meals - or days - and other times I eat meat at every meal... Admittedly this isn't often but there are times when one piece of bacon just doesn't cut it...

Today is a perfect example of my paleo/vegan/vegetarian  balanced diet:

My breakfast consisted of 2 eggs and 1 egg white, a small apple, 
and a giant americano with organic half & half. 
My vegan buddies are crying at the thought of so many animal byproducts in one day;
 let alone one meal. 

For a hearty snack I had a quinoa and sweet potato patty with an avocado chopped on top. 
Sorry, paleo friends but grains are this girls friends. ;)

For lunch I had a salad with 
kidney beans
and sunflower seeds
The vegans are crying happy tears now! 

It's about to be dinner and my VBF (Vegan Best Friend) 
is coming over to celebrate National Wine Drinking Day. 
She's making vegan polenta "lasagna" but I will probably add organic chicken. 
And, of course, there will be wine!

Today it just worked out that I didn't have any gluten but that doesn't mean I don't eat wheat. However, in line with my consumption of meat and dairy, I don't go overboard with it; I try not to exceed 1 serving of wheat/1-2 animal byproducts in a day. But some days I do and that's life. Eating is all about balance; EXCEPT when it comes to veggies....

Another favorite piece of food advise that speaks to me is to EAT PLANTS NOT THINGS THAT ARE MADE IN PLANTS.  THIS, I think, is the fundamental "diet" which everyone should live (and eat) by. Meat eater or non-meat eater, cheese lover or soy-cheese connoisseur, you need to eat your plants! ...Trust me.


Love almost always

I also had 2 mini Hershey chocolate bars after lunch 
because (as much as I hate it and wish it wasn't true)  
the manufactured food has a (small) place in my diet too. 

*well, dairy is actually an entirely different conversation but we'll save that for another post.. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Cyber crush

It happened to me again today. 

But with someone new. 

This person is not the first person this kind of thing has happened with... 

And this probably won't be the last time it happens... 

I'm Ashley and I have a
cyber crush on you wanna
like blog about each other
or something?

Today I developed a crush.

...A cyber crush.

I've had a few since I've started blogging. They have all been on girls and have always started innocently.

One day you're googling  "how to make quinoa" and then - over a year later and many quinoa skills mastered - you're still checking in to see what your cyber crush is up to.

There's a familiarity and almost a sense of reminiscence when you visit an old crush's page. Like you've been there and then you've been away and now it's really nice to be back; checking in to see how things have been, what's changed and what's still the same, whose grown and whose changed their hair color...

But nothing beats a new cyber crush... The plethora of new things to pour over... Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, oh my! The different videos posted and blogs written. An all access pass to this person's interpretation of life. ...It has taken hours of my life.

Though I've found that you can't go searching for a new cyber crush. It just doesn't work like that. You can't force interest into someone else's life. It has to happen organically - originally - like the Internet Gods destined one click to lead to another and then suddenly *BAM* you've found your next cyber crush. Almost like a soul mate but more sided.

Clicking around a bit you find you really like this girls hair color and her bedspread is super cute. You dig her fancy drop-down menu and icons directing you to other showcases of her life. All the links with all the fascinating information about ..a stranger.

It's time consuming and weird if you think about it long enough. But it's probably also normal. With so much personal information readily available on the internet, I don't think it's dramatic to feel like I know some of my cyber crushes without ever meeting them. I don't think it's crazy to feel like I can be friends with someone because they post a lot of shit I "like." If I'm entertained by your life from freakin' post-it sized pictures I scroll through on my phone... you must be a bad ass.

Occasionally I am envious of my cyber crushes.

They have how many followers?

I'm that funny too! ...after a glass of wine shot of tequila. 

That is literally the best sentence I have ever read 
in the history of all of the sentences in the world.

Wait, is her blog better than mine? 

Yep! My iPhone 3 will never take the pictures her camera can.

Maybe I  should put Adobe Photoshop on my Christmas list this year..?

But most of the time I'm just like girl, go on with your bad self. Which is really what cyber crushing should be all about anyway...

LOVE almost always, 


I thought it would be interesting for you to know who my cyber crushes are sooo, drum roll please...

1. The Diva Dish

Ari was my first cyber crush and I still love checking out what's new with her and what healthy cooking she is doing for her family.
She even replied to a comment I left and it was pretty much the highlight of my day

2. Laci Green

I stumbled across Laci's YouTube channel and pretty much agree with everything that comes out of her mouth. :)

3. Hannah Brencher

This girl is founded The World Needs More Love Letters and I seriously hope to meet her one day.

4. Kaleigh Somers

I've exchanged a few emailed with Kaleigh and actually wrote for her website but just recently discovered how interesting her life via Instagram is ;)

5. Natalie C.

I've actually met Natalie but fact: feel like I know her more than I actually do because of the amount of time I spend on her blog. #obsessed

6. Ms. Morgan Wright

This is more of a real life girl crush since she is one of my actual best friends but because I am so excited for her new blog.. I figured I would add her to the list!

7. Melissa K.

This is also a real life crush but I am blown away every time I read her blog. Highly recommended!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Sunday vs. Monday SUPER BOWL EDITION


This past Sunday was super bowl Sunday which meant self-control succumbed to pizza, beer, CRONUTS (yeah, you read that right!), chips and guac.. omg.. especially the chips and guac! Oh, savory guacamole.. I'm salivating just thinking of you..  (If you don't know how much I love savory food read this post.)

Breakfast - around 8:30am:
The after shot 
I woke up unusually starving so had a corn tortilla with hummus*, half an apple and a cup of tea

around 11:30am (and a crazy long wait at a restaurant my mom has been wanting to try for breakfast):

I split an American breakfast that consisted on scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon and home fries.

Lunch/ Super Bowl Nomz - from 2:30pm - 6:30pm:
The spread
I started the afternoon with a TON of chips and guac. (Chip to guac ratio = 1 chip : a heaping amount of guacamole.. like a mini Everest of avocado, tomato, onions and cilantro)

I think I ended up having 3 slices of pizza - though they were relatively small slices..

I had  half of a cronut, some apple slices dipped in caramel, whiskey infused popcorn, veggies and hummus, crackers, meat and cheese and oh yeah, some more guacamole.

(For this party, I did eat a lot but not a lot of everything... if you don't count the pizza and guac. anyway....)

Dinner - around 7:30pm:
I finished of the day with half of a leftover Hawaiian burger because apparently I hadn't had enough red meat and carbohydrates for the day...


Breakfast - around 9am
I woke up and wasn't too hungry so just had coffee before getting to the office. I brought a pack of organic oatmeal with flax seeds and an organic pear to eat once settled in.

Lunch - around 1pm
one pita with hummus, cucumber and carrot slices and a side of potato salad

Afternoon snack - around 4:30pm
A few dried peaches and pistachio almond clusters

VEGGIES.. it's whats for dinner.

Dinner - around 7:30pm
Whole wheat pasta with chard, scallops, tomato, onions, garlic, olive oil and parm.

Dessert - right after dinner
a chocolate chip cookie and peppermint tea

Monday clearly made up for what Sunday lacked in nutrients and homemade nomz. However, as mentioned, Sunday's food consumption was about a lot of variety but not a total loss of control... It was the Super Bowl, who doesn't splurge a little bit? So, sorry I'm not sorry about it.



*Mike says this is the weirdest combination he's heard of.. I thought it was pretty good. What are your thoughts?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Are you savory or sweet?

Excuse me while I just heat up
 my savory split pea soup**
(for a snack)
When I started this blog I wanted an entire section dedicated to Savory vs. Sweet recipes. I've posted ZERO recipes but promise to do so soon.

ANYWAY! The point of THIS Savory vs. Sweet post iiiiiis - this might actually be more of a rant... buttt WHERE ARE THE SAVORY SNACK BARS AT?

I see all these bars* that look delicious AFTER I've eaten dinner. I don't want a chocolate brownie bar when I'm hungry. I want some salami. But there aren't any convenient bars to satisfy my savory tooth.

Where is the grilled cheese bar? Or the guacamole and chip bar? IT DOESN'T EXIST and it makes me sad everyday around 4pm when all I want is a steak...

Disclaimer: hummus and veggies/pita chips are a great savory snack, as are nuts (sometimes), but I just thought someone should point out the discrimination against savory in the bar industry...

I'm done now.

Love almost always,

*I'm not a huge fan of bars in general but definitely understand the convenience of them.. plus, there are some pretty good options out there like LARABARS if you care about things like natural ingredients and what not... ((which you should BTW))

**which has the same calories as most bars do (200) but NOT THE SAME CONVENIENCE! #imnotbitter

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

winner winner sweet potato dinner

Soooooooooooooooo I am doing a really bad job at posting in my Sunday vs. Monday section but I figured I'd share what we had for dinner last night as a small step in the right direction. (Next week Sunday vs. Monday SUPER BOWL edition is happening!)

If you know me - and we share more than an acquaintanceship - you probably know I hate eating the same food twice in the same day. (If you didn't know this fun fact about me, you just learned something new on your Tuesday!) Most people make fun of me for this ... quirk, we'll call it... which is cool, like T.Swift white girl dancing at award shows, it's just what I do.

My sweet spuds steaming
Moving on, yesterday I had leftover chicken fried rice for lunch. When I got home and was rummaging around the kitchen deciding what to cook for dinner - that couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't included chicken - I found I had everything for ... chicken tacos. What to do? Have tacos with just lettuce, cheese, salsa, and avocado? Maybe but that wouldn't be very substantial... sooo I steamed sweet potatoes!

I mashed the spuds with a bit of butter
then spread it thinly on corn tortillas, layered it with some taco essentials, turned on Breaking Bad and nom'd on some vegan (minus the cheese!) sweet potato tacos. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sunday vs. Monday Round 4: Sweets Edition


My last holiday celebration was this past weekend (yes, in January..) and I can't say yesterday wasn't a bit of a splurge...

 Breakfast - around 8:30am:

I took the train up to my parents house (because my car is having some issues) for breakfast with them and my grandparents; but I needed something for the ride up so I had a small tangerine.

THEN, at breakfast (around 10am) I had  eggs over medium, sliced sourdough, 2 sausages, and coffee.

Lunch - around 2pm:

My mom and I went up to San Francisco to see Amaluna. We had to catch the train (again) at 3pm so I ate 4 mini samosa from Whole Foods and some blueberries for lunch.

Once in the city, we stopped at Starbucks. I ordered a short chai tea latte but only had time to drink half of it before the show.

During Amaluna I had 2 handfuls of popcorn (because who could resist?) and 1/4 or a pretzel that was under cooked and underwhelming.

Dinner - around 7:30pm:

I had a side garden salad and split a small New York pizza with my mom.

When I got home around 10pm I ended the night with a red velvet cupcake from Sprinkles because apparently I didn't ingest enough carbs already ;) 

PS. red velvet is my vice.


Breakfast - before work: 

I convinced Mike to make me an Americano this morning because he makes them 100x better than I do and I needed something delicious to start off my Monday. (Bad coffee ruins my day, okay?)

Once at work I had a packet of flax seed oatmeal.

Snack - around 11am:

I had 2 small tangerines (have to get that vitamin C during flu season!)

Lunch - around 1:15pm:

I had a ham sandwich with spinach and mustard on garlic rye bread. I also had a cucumber, tomato salad with dill and olive oil.

After lunch I had one Dark Chocolate Honey mint from Trader Joe's.

Second snack - around 3:30pm:

An iced chai latte with one pump of chai (ever notice that Starbucks charges you more for extra pumps but doesn't give you a discount for less? ABSURDITY!) and a handful of almonds

Dinner - around 7pm:

Rice and black beans stuffed bell peppers with shredded cheddar cheese and baby broccoli.

Dessert - after dinner:

3 mini chocolate biscotti from Trader Joe's

Overall, I would say I had a lot of sweets during the combined 2 days. I'm usually more of a savory than sweet kind of girl (opting for a slice of pizza over a slice of cake) but for some reason the cupcakes, chais, and biscotti were necessary. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

stop talking about how much you weigh and start ... flossing?

Over the holidays I spent time with a good friend and Jennifer Lawrence came up in conversation over wine (and tequila shots). I immediately gushed about the girl crush I have on the Hungry Games star; anticipating my friends response to be equally giddy and obsessive. Instead she threw me. She told me she was kind of over Jennifer and all of her body image chatter.

Wait, what?

This good friend's name is Melissa and we are basically the same person except she lives in Toronto and I'm in California. We have the same birthday, the same middle name. We own the same cookbooks and have the same fundamental ideas about life and love and yoga.  How was she not totally in love with J-Law like I am?

I mean, isn't Jennifer Lawrence all the rage with how real she is? Isn't is refreshing that a mega celebrity isn't stick skinny? She is setting a good example for the young girls (and older ones too) that you don't have to starve yourself to feel worthy. ...Right? I thought so too. And then Melissa shed some light.

She accurately pointed out that one comment about one's weight is enough.

In other words, Jennifer's first comments about being a role model and not starving herself so young girls (and older ones too) think they need to skip dinner to be Katniss-beautiful was great; awesome even. In my opinion, it brought positive, healthy awareness to counteract all the damaging media images bombarding our brains. However;   it seems all she does now is talk about her weight which (in mine and Melissa's opinion - even though it was hers first) is actually diminishing her initial great - awesome - comments about weight.


(Disclaimer: I realize this post might sound hypocritical because I myself have written about weight and body image more than a few times but I am not on the cover of all the magazines in all of the stores. ...Yet.

I promise if I ever reach that magnitude of influential ability, I will take my responsibility seriously. I will not allow so much attention to be focused on poundage.)

By constantly talking about weight when you're such a major player in the media, even if it has a  "positive" spin, it is still constantly talking about weight. You're bringing massive attention to something that should be as mundane as flossing. Everyone knows flossing is good for you (as maintaining a healthy weight is) but no one talks about it in every.single.interview. ...Even if they don't floss everyday and make the rest of us normal folk feel okay about our flossing habits too. So, just stop, Jennifer. Stop answering questions about how much you weigh...

I'm still a huge fan of JL; I just hope next time someones asks about her weight, she doesn't respond. I hope the next time she or any other person of fame admits to eating a slice of pizza it doesn't make headlines.

Floss, anyone?

Love almost always,

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tiny spuds teaching life lessons...

Yesterday I went to the gym after work and came home later than normal. Usually I get home before Mike so I cook dinner but yesterday was an exception. Even though I wasn't cooking dinner I had still decided what ingredients we would use for Monday's meal; which included leftover lamb, green beans that needed to be used soon, and the tiniest, cutest organic potatoes I had bought on Sunday at the farmers market.

Mike has been pretty busy at work and was running late to get home and cook dinner. By the way, side note: I am a terrible human when I'm hungry... When he got home, anxious to have dinner ready by the time I got home, and found the baby potatoes that he had no idea what to do with, his stress level automatically went up.

By the time I strolled through the door, a delicious smelling aroma was wafting through the air. I made by way into the kitchen to see what Mike was concocting. He had added all the ingredients in pan, added some onions and garlic and viola! dinner!

The only problem was those baby spuds did not cook. They were still hard and starchy on our plates ready to be eaten for dinner. We couldn't cook them longer because they were already combined with the lamb and the green beans. And, hi, I was starving! So, we ate around the cute, but uncooked, tatters. Then we made a trip to whole foods for slices of pizza.

I am equal parts proud and embarrassed to say this same situation a year ago would have easily burned our entire evening. Side story: Mike made mac n' cheese with almond milk for dinner one time - insisting it would taste the same - and when it didn't, because it definitely doesn't, I threw a giant fit and probably didn't talk to him for some ridiculous amount of time... over MAC N' CHEESE! I mean, really.. who cares?!

Well, I did...

I would (and still do occasionally because I'm almost always perfect but not quite entirely) get really upset over really small things; like small potatoes not being cooked properly... Instead, yesterday, I ate my lamb and green beans and then my slice of pizza. (And also some potato chips..)

Love almost always,

Monday, January 6, 2014

Starting over

So, here's the thing about having a birthday in November, what ever personal goals you've set for yourself to become a healthier, better, nicer, whatever-er person during that year of your life is shot when the holidays roll around. (Well, hopefully not the nicer resolution but who knows? Christmas can bring out the Scrooge in some...)

For example; this year - the year leading up to my 25th birthday - I decided to start this blog and become stronger. (Read about it here) Ideally, I wanted to write in this sucker 2-3x a week, magically work out 7 days a week (jk but come on? I should at least be able to swing 3 days..), consistently update my Sunday Vs. Monday section, become the next BIG SHOT BLOGGER (holleeer), and have fancy drop-down menus with organized content.

But guess what? it's Monday and I am not uploading pictures of what I ate yesterday and today... (Read about that here and here and here) And my blog is STILL lacking the drop-down menu feature... Ask me about the last time I consistently worked out and you'll weep at my answer...

You ready for the excuse for why I've majorly been sucking yet?

I'm blaming it on the holidays.

The holidays are still as festive as fun as they were when I was a child but they also come with a side of stress. A lot of spending, too much to drink/eat, and not enough exercise. Then there is the bittersweet packed social calendar; I love a good Ugly Sweater party as much as the next girl but weekend after weekend I find myself devoted to dinners, get togethers, and family gatherings instead of writing, reading and yoga. I have to admit, I don't feel like the well rounded person that I want to be going into 2014. I can't even remember the last book I read........

BUT I'm not going to beat myself up about it because hey, guess what? I wrote a book in 2013 and even though I wanted to be well past my first draft of my second book by this time (definitely not my reality right now) I didn't anticipate a move that is still consuming most of my time. And even though I wanted to keep this baby plush and abundant with posts, I couldn't because I was packing and unpacking and celebrating and unpacking and going to Ikea... So? (ready for the standard cliche yet?) it is what it is.

Tomorrow I will be 24 years and 2 months old and I'm going to go ahead and redraw the start line there. Please join me and almost always read my blog. ...Starting with tomorrows post about the fiasco tonight's dinner was and how there are few problems pizza can't solve.

Love almost always,